Let’s not forget what we can do this day:
Today I Can…
Draw on the power of honesty. I embrace change and redefine myself. Word by word, deed by deed—I strive to reflect the truth.
Today I Can…
Put down my old habits. Selfishness and hardness give way to an instinct for service. Gratitude now is my rule.
Today I Can…
Appreciate the richness of life by welcoming, sharing and laughing with another addict. Turning Godward, I find progress and peace.
Today I Can…
Take in a new reality—that in this struggle I am not alone. Many have walked this path before, and I have fellows at my side.
Today…Together…We Can Live in Hope!
CMA Conference Approved Literature
©2013 Crystal Meth Anonymous
CMA Helpline – (855) 638-4373