
When we came to CMA, we found other crystal meth addicts who recovered from a hopeless state of mind, body and spirit. They showed us how to live useful and rewarding lives by embracing a simple program of action.

Through the Steps, we let go of our denial and learned to be honest with ourselves. We developed a relationship with a Higher Power of our own conception. We opened up to another addict about our past and asked our Higher Power to remove our character defects.

We cleaned up the wreckage from the tornado of our old life and embarked upon a new course. We found freedom from fear; love replaced our selfishness.

The truth of our new lives is: We now handle difficulties that once compelled us to use crystal meth. We help others in ways we could never do for ourselves. By finding a spiritual basis on which to live, we can become the miracle of recovery that is happening in the rooms of CMA. We lead incredible lives and give hope to the still suffering addict that recovery from crystal meth is truly possible.

CMA Conference Approved Literature
©2023 Crystal Meth Anonymous
CMA Helpline – (855) 638-4373