
Submit Your Story [Work]

CMA Story/Work Submission Form

You can submit your story or share, poetry or artwork via text, rtf, Word Doc, jpg, pdf, mp3, flac, m4p, m4a file.

(This form is intended for original material submitted to Crystal Meth Anonymous, Inc. and Crystal Meth Anonymous, Inc., and must accompany all submissions in order for such material to be published. All materials submitted become the property of Crystal Meth Anonymous, Inc.)

How to submit your story/work.
A. Fill out the form below.  * = Required
B. Attach a Word or text file (of your story) along with this page.
C. Attach a mp3, flac, m4p, or m4a file (of your story) if it is an audio file.
D. Or, You can print out our download form, and send it to us via the postal service.
E. Be sure to go to the bottom of the page as you must give CMA your digital signature — then click SEND.

Download the form to send by postal service.

all files maximum file size of 50 megabytes.

all files maximum file size of 50 megabytes.

*** Please be sure you complete the entire form.


(This form is intended for original material submitted to Crystal Meth Anonymous, Inc. and Crystal Meth Anonymous, Inc., and must accompany all submissions in order for such material to be published. All materials submitted become the property of Crystal Meth Anonymous, Inc.)

With this document, I, the undersigned Crystal Meth Anonymous (hereinafter referred to as CMA) member, hereby grant permission to Crystal Meth Anonymous, Inc., a California corporation (hereafter referred to as CMA) and their successors, assigns, and those acting on their authority, to publish the attached material entitled or described as follows:

I further acknowledge and agree that:
1. I possess full legal capacity to exercise this authorization and hereby release CMA and CMAGSO from any claims by myself, my successors, and/or my assigns regarding the attached material.
2. This transfer includes the assignment and transfer of any and all claims I may have to United States and foreign copyrights, claims of authorship or origination.
3. I am the author of this work, i.e. this work is completely original and I have not used any third party source(s), in part or in whole, to create this work unless said third party source or sources are given full credit within the body of this work and further that said third party or parties have given written permission for said use, copies of which are attached hereto.
4. I have not given this work to any other group or entity and it has not been published in writing or on the internet. The author releases to CMA world Services the sole ownership of the work. Submissions found to have been published prior, cannot be used.
5. CMA and/or CMAGSO may change, modify or revise this work to whatever extent either or both deem necessary. I understand that, if selected for publication, this material will be edited in keeping with CMA’s understanding of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions. Submissions will also be copy edited to ensure ease of comprehension and adherence to standard rules of grammar and punctuation as well as current CMA and CMAGSO style guidelines. In addition, editorial staff may also substitute different words and/or revise sentence structure for clarification. I further understand that this material may be entitled and/or reprinted in more than one CMA or CMAGSO publication.

BE PATIENT – DO NOT change the page or close the window. Depending on the system you are using, a significant amount of time may be needed to upload the file. As the upload proceeds, you will see to a confirmation bar. When complete the form will show a screen message saying your file has been sent. Thank you.