Download and Print Literature
CMA pamphlets and literature plus the meeting readings are available ONLY via pdf download. CMA Literature Download
The 2008 CMA Conference required that the World CMA Literature Committee follow particular Guidelines. In following these Guidelines, CMA and/or CMAGSO has created this work in keeping with the 2008 Conference Literature Guidelines plus CMA’s understanding of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.
You Can Start a Meeting
Currently, CMA is most active in major metropolitan areas throughout the United States. Go to FIND A CMA MEETING for the current CMA Directory of Meetings. If you cannot find a meeting of Crystal Meth Anonymous in your neighborhood, then START A NEW MEETING of CMA.
We have links for everything you need in one place.
The CMA Service Manual
While our groups are autonomous, it is our service work and structure that helps make the spiritual program of recovery widely available to any who may seek it. Service work benefits all of us in the fellowship. It benefits the newcomer and it rewards those who choose to do service. For many of us, service work is a joy and an integral part of our own personal recovery. Members in CMA interested in further service should read the CMA Service Manual.
Service Documents
While our groups are autonomous, it is our service work and structure that helps make the spiritual program of recovery widely available to any who may seek it. These documents are to aide the local service groups.
Members in CMA interested in further service should read other documents in the CMA Service literature downloads.
The CMA Recovery Store