
Hospitals & Institutions Advisory Committee – DRAFT

The primary purpose of the Hospitals & Institutions Advisory Committee is to carry the Crystal Meth Anonymous message of recovery to individuals who are confined, restricted, or otherwise unable to attend a Twelve Step CMA meeting.

Many times, an H&I meeting is the first introduction to Crystal Meth Anonymous that many inmates, clients, or patients receive. Therefore, it is important that our message of recovery through the Twelve Steps be informative, clear, concise, positive, and solution oriented.

What is an H&I meeting?

An H&I meeting is a Twelve Step recovery meeting that takes place inside jails, treatment centers, hospitals, recovery homes, sober living environments or any other institution or facility where access to CMA meetings is limited or restricted. We use conference approved literature and provide this literature to those attending our meetings.

What happens at an H&I meeting?

There are many formats that can be used at an H&I meeting such as: Topic & Discussion, Question & Answer, just to name a few. Generally, members of the Fellowship will come and share their personal experience with recovery and staying sober through the Twelve Steps. In many ways, H&I meetings resemble regular CMA meetings including the celebration of milestones in sobriety.

Why should I volunteer?

Many crystal meth addicts have encountered an enhanced quality of recovery through their participation in H&I sharing. Many describe it as being an incredible experience knowing that they have made a difference. Our identity, as recovering crystal meth addicts, provides us with a unique perspective to carry the message of recovery to other crystal meth addicts. Other benefits of H&I service include:

  • Helps us to maintain our recovery.
  • Helps another to find recovery.
  • It is rewarding.
  • It challenges and improves us.
  • Helps us to stay connected.
  • Provides hope for the newcomer.
  • It is a flexible commitment of one to two meetings per month.
  • Many addicts will benefit from our valuable experience.

How do I Participate?

Attend a conference call.

Monthly Conference Call

All members of CMA who are interested in H&I service are invited to join the monthly H&I General Service conference call.

Time: 4th Saturday each month at 6am Hawaii, 9am Pacific and AZ, 10am Mountain, 11am Central, & 12pm Eastern

Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92507671325

Meeting ID: 925 0767 1325
One tap mobile:  +13462487799,,92507671325# US (Houston), +16699006833,,92507671325# US (San Jose)

H&I Advisory Committee