
Conference Charter

Purpose. The General Service Conference of Crystal Meth Anonymous (C.M.A.) is the guardian of world services and of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of C.M.A. The Conference shall be a service body only, never a governing body for C.M.A.

Composition. The Conference shall be composed of area delegates, the members of the Board of Trustees, directors of any C.M.A. service corporations, and staff members of those corporations.

Other Sections of the Conference may sometimes be created in foreign lands as the need arises out of language or geographical considerations. The North American Section of the General Service Conference will then become the Senior Section, related to the other Sections by ties of mutual consultation and a cross linking of delegates.

But no Conference Section shall ever be placed in authority over another. All joint action shall be taken only upon two-thirds vote of the combined Sections. Within its boundaries each Conference ought to be autonomous. Only matters seriously affecting C.M.A.’s worldwide needs shall be the subject of joint consideration.

Conference Relation to C.M.A. The Conference will act for the fellowship of C.M.A. in the perpetuation and guidance of its world services and it will also be the vehicle by which the C.M.A Fellowship can express its view upon all matters of vital C.M.A policy and all hazardous deviations from C.M.A. Tradition. Delegates should be free to vote as their conscience dictates; they should also be free to decide what questions should be taken to the group level, whether for information, discussion, or their own direct instruction.

Neither the Twelve Steps of C.M.A., nor the Twelve Traditions of C.M.A., nor the Warranties of Article XII of the Conference Charter shall be changed or amended by the General Service Conference except by first asking the consent of the registered C.M.A. groups of the world. This would include all C.M.A. groups known to the General Service offices around the world. These groups shall be suitably notified of any proposal for change and allowed no less than six months for consideration thereof. And before any such Conference action can be taken, there must first be received in writing within the time allotted the consent of at least three-fourths of all those registered groups who respond to such proposal.

Conference Relation to the World Service Board and its Corporate Services.The Conference will replace the founders of Crystal Meth Anonymous, who formerly functioned as guides and advisers to the Board of Trustees. The Conference will be expected to afford a reliable cross section of C.M.A. opinion for this purpose.

A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of all the Conference members registered. It will be understood, as a matter of tradition, that a two-thirds vote of Conference members voting shall be considered binding upon the Board of Trustees and its related corporate services, provided the total vote constitutes at least a Conference quorum. But no such vote ought to impair the legal rights of the Board of Trustees and the service corporations to conduct routine business and make ordinary contracts relating thereto.

It will be further understood, regardless of the legal prerogatives of the Board of Trustees, as a matter of tradition, that a three-quarters vote of all Conference members may bring about a reorganization of the Board of Trustees and the directors and staff members of its corporate services, if or when such reorganization is deemed essential. Under such a proceeding, the Conference may request resignations, may nominate new trustees, and may make all other necessary arrangements regardless of the legal prerogatives of the Board of Trustees.

Area Assemblies: Composition of. Area Assemblies are composed of the elected Representatives of all C.M.A. groups desiring to participate in each of the United States and each of the Provinces of Canada.

Each State and Province will always be entitled to one Assembly. But States and Provinces with large C.M.A. populations may be entitled to additional Assemblies, as provided by the C.M.A Service Manual or by any future amendment thereto.

Area Assemblies,Purpose of. Area assemblies convene every two years for the election of area committee members, from which are elected delegates to the General Service Conference of C.M.A. Such area assemblies are concerned only with the world service affairs of C.M.A.

Area Assemblies, Methods of Electing Area Committee Members and Delegates. Whenever practical, committee members are elected by written ballot without personal nomination. Delegates are selected from among such committee members by two-thirds written ballot or by lot, as provided in The C.M.A. Service Manual.

Area Assemblies, Terms of Office for Group General Service Representatives, Area Committee Members and Delegates. Unless otherwise directed by the Conference, these terms of office shall all be concurrent and of two years’ duration each. In approximately half the areas, assembly elections will be held in even years; the remaining assemblies will elect in odd years, thus creating rotating panels of the Conference, as further described in The C.M.A. Service Manual.

The General Service Conference Meetings. The Conference will meet yearly, unless otherwise agreed upon. Special meetings may be called should there be a grave emergency. The Conference may also render advisory opinions at any time by a mail, telephone, or electronic poll in aid of the Board of Trustees or its related services.

The Board of Trustees: Composition, Jurisdiction, Responsibilities. The Board of Trustees of Crystal Meth Anonymous shall be an incorporated trusteeship, composed of addicts and non-addicts who elect their own successors, these choices being subject, however, to the approval of the Conference or a committee thereof. Candidates for addict regional trustee are, however, first selected by the Areas in the Region. Then, at the General Service Conference, voting members will make a selection of a nominee by two-thirds ballot or by lot. This nominee is then elected to the Board of Trustees, the trustees being obligated by tradition to do so. The procedure is then as follows: Each Conference area may select one candidate. Resumes of all candidates will be reviewed for eligibility by the trustees’ Nominating Committee. At the General Service Conference, delegates from each Region will caucus prior to the nomination to reduce the number of candidates to one for each Region. The Conference will select a nominee by two-thirds ballot or by lot. These nominees are then elected to the Board of Trustees, the trustees being obligated by tradition to do so.

The Board of Trustees is the chief service arm of the Conference, and is essentially custodial in its character.

Excepting for decisions upon matters of policy, finance, or C.M.A Tradition, liable to seriously affect C.M.A as a whole, the Board of Trustees has entire freedom of action in the routine conduct of the policy and business affairs of the C.M.A. service corporations and may name suitable committees and select directors to its subsidiary corporate service entities in pursuance of this purpose.

The Board of Trustees is primarily responsible for the financial and policy integrity of its subsidiary services.

The charter and bylaws of the Board of Trustees, or any amendments thereto, should always be subject to the approval of the General Service Conference by a two-thirds vote of all its members.

Except in a great emergency, neither the Board of Trustees nor any of its related services ought ever take any action liable to greatly affect C.M.A. as a whole, without first consulting the Conference. It is nevertheless understood that the board shall at all times reserve the right to decide which of its actions or decisions may require the approval of the Conference.

The General Service Conference, Its General Procedures. The Conference will hear the financial and policy reports of the Board of Trustees and its related corporate services.

The Conference will advise with the trustees, directors, and staff members upon all matters presented as affecting C.M.A. as a whole, engage in debate, appoint necessary committees, and pass suitable resolutions for the advice or direction of the Board of Trustees and its related services.

The Conference may also discuss and recommend appropriate action respecting serious deviations from C.M.A. Tradition or harmful misuse of the name of Crystal Meth Anonymous. The Conference may draft any needed bylaws and will name its own officers and committees by any method of its own choosing.

The Conference at the close of each yearly session will draft a full report of its proceedings, to be supplied to all delegates and committee members; also a condensation thereof which will be sent to C.M.A. groups throughout the world.

General Warranties of CMA’s General Service Conference. In all its proceedings, the General Service Conference shall observe the spirit of the CMA tradition, taking care that it never becomes the seat of perilous wealth or power; that sufficient operating funds and reserve be its prudent financial principle; that it place none of its members in a position of unqualified authority over any of the others; that it reach all important decisions by discussion, vote and, whenever possible, by substantial unanimity; that its actions never be personally punitive nor an incitement to public controversy; and although it may act for the Fellowship of CMA as a whole, it will never perform acts of government, and it will always remain democratic in thought and action like the Fellowship which it serves.

Conference 2021 Documents

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