

Welcome to the CMA App Fundraising Page. This page was created in response to the CMA Fellowship’s request for a CMA App. Plus a recommendation was made to the Board at the last General Service Conference to hold a fundraiser dedicated to the creation and maintenance of the app.

After a long vetting process we have found an app developer who we feel could help bring the CMA App to life. All we need now are the funds to proceed.

The CMA App functionality will include an enhanced Meeting Finder with opportunities to save your meetings and get reminders, a Host-a-Meeting from your phone function complete with readings and formats, access to our Speaker Recording Library from the app, a CMA sobriety counter, text-based helpline support, a Seventh Tradition contribution form, and other functions to keep track of CMA contacts and your personal program. Future functionality is also in the works. As the timeline develops, we hope to keep this page updated with current information.

Please fill out the form below then click “Submit”. You will be forwarded to PayPal to complete your contribution.