CMA groups are indeed spiritual entities regardless of the place at which they gather. While meeting in-person is the foundation of our CMA fellowship, some CMA groups have moved beyond physical boundaries to online or telephone meetings. By creating safe, “virtual” spaces for crystal meth addicts to meet anywhere, groups can fulfill our primary purpose, to carry the message of recovery to the still-suffering addict.
Online/Hybrid Meetings Today
How to start/edit an Online Meeting
If your group is interested in starting its own online meeting, you can register your online meeting on the CMA online meeting directory.
Create your own online meeting.
We do not wish to tell any group what to do or not do. Each group must decide what works best for their needs. There are many options for converting to online or phone meetings. CMA does not endorse any specific one of these.
Many groups are currently using one of the online platforms listed below for their CMA meetings. You can visit these providers to get more information on how to use their platforms to set up an online meeting. Current supported providers are: Bluejeans, Dialpad, Discord, Free Conference, FreeConferenceCall, Google Hangouts, GoTo, Jitsi, Skype, WebEx, Zoho, Zoom.
Share the information about your Meeting
Share with your group members and your local CMA service entities the information, meeting schedules, and relevant instructions for your meeting. Update you listing HERE.
Online Meeting ToolKit

Virtual Chips
The Virtual Chip package is a zip file including various chips from Newcomer to 18 months.