
Make a Seventh Tradition Contribution

We accept contributions from either groups or individuals online only. The above links will take you to forms that will allow you to contribute directly.  If you would like more information about why we contribute or the types of contributions we make, please read the information provided below.


Why do we support the Crystal Meth Anonymous World Services?

By keeping Crystal Meth Anonymous self-supporting, we help make sure CMA will be there for those in need of recovery. Many members whose lives are being restored by working a program express their gratitude by giving back to the fellowship. Most of us were dependent on others during our using and only looked to see what we could take from life. In our selfish pursuits, we lost our integrity and gained nothing. Through observing the Seventh Tradition, we learn to take responsibility for ourselves and, therefore, grow in our recovery.

Membership in CMA is in no way contingent upon financial support of the fellowship. Yet groups, areas, regions and the CMA General Services all have necessary expenses that must be paid. Our funds must come from within — our spiritual principle of self-support requires this. Crystal Meth Anonymous is entirely self-supporting — no outside contributions are accepted.

All groups benefit from the general services although not all groups contribute to the General Service’s support. All contributions are voluntary.

What is the Seventh Tradition?What is the Seventh Tradition?



How can I give to Crystal Meth Anonymous General Services?

To support the essential services of the general services it is suggested that each group, through an informed group conscience, adopt a plan by which to contribute to the general services and other CMA service entities. Although each group’s plan will be tailored to the needs and the means of the group, we have provided guidelines below that may serve useful.

How much is enough?

CMA is not a traditional organization. We do not seek to make a profit or have large reserves of money. We need enough money to pay our expenses, so when the newcomer needs a meeting; there is a room in which to meet, a telephone number to call, literature to read, and a chip to encourage. We must remember our primary purpose is to carry the message.

While some groups may not be able to give much, there is an important spiritual significance to making regular contributions. Once a group’s basic expenses have been met, i.e. rent, literature, chips, and refreshments, and a “prudent reserve” has been set aside, we suggest that the group consider donating its remaining money as follows:

A note about the different levels of service in CMA.
In many places around the country, and the world, our fellowship is very new and still growing. There may not yet be an organized Intergroup, District or Area in your location. Perhaps neighboring meetings have not yet formed one of these entities. Check with other meetings nearby or the meeting lists on this website if you’re unsure of your local service structure. You can also consult the CMA Manual for World Service.

Contributions to the General Services by mail may be sent to:

CMA General Services 1920 Hillhurst Ave #1315 Los Angeles, CA 90027.

Make checks payable to: Crystal Meth Anonymous


You can contribute directly to CMA if you are a member of the fellowship or a member group. Perhaps the most important contribution you can make is the generous support of your own local group(s). Encourage your local groups, through their own group consciences, to regularly support the service structure of CMA locally and nationally. Everyone benefits.

Individual contributions to the Crystal Meth Anonymous are limited to $3,000 per member per year. Crystal Meth Anonymous, is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation and your contributions are fully tax-deductible to the amount allowed by law. You may request a receipt for your records.

Contributions from non-members of Crystal Meth Anonymous or any outside organization cannot be accepted under any circumstances and, if received, will be respectfully returned.