
We try to live in the moment. Yesterday’s problems are yesterday’s affairs, and tomorrow’s surprises can wait until tomorrow.

-Sober Toolkit.

It is OK to begin your recovery from crystal meth addiction at the beginning–in this moment. You can’t have a different past but this moment is yours to create and the things you do in this moment will create your future. It seems simple to say, that “I will start where I am”. But we often want to begin where we ‘should be’ or where other people have told us we ought to be.

As crystal meth addicts we have gotten out of harmony with our world. Our relationship with ourselves was broken. Our relationship with others might have been broken. And our relationship with spirituality, God or the Universe might be completely disconnected. But our connection with kindness and compassion is right here, in this moment. We can give ourselves a break, we can stop demanding that we be perfect, wanting to have more days than we actually have, or be in a different place financially. We can simply let ourselves be who we are and give ourselves permission to start where we are.

Affirmation: Today I recognize that I am here for a reason. Let me be honest and kind with myself–as I am–so that I may move forward in compassion. In this moment, I start by looking at the past so that I may know where I come from. Let me turn this experience into usefulness for myself and others, as I move forward.