Keep It Simple. Keystrokes are limited.
For example: "Presbyterian Church" or "online".
Pick the timezone closest to where the meeting home is. Our system now has timezone correction on both the list and details page for all meetings.
Choose your Timezone or City above. We will use to your information to approximate your timezone.
(At least the Address) below. If online type "online". (Our system requires a physical location)
The State -- even if online. Our system requires a State.
The City -- even if online. Our system requires a City.
The Zip/Postal Code -- even if online.
If your group has an ONLINE and/or HYBRID meeting, please include only the information requested below.If the meeting is not "online/hybrid" go to the bottom of the page and click [NEXT]. The currently supported online/hybrid providers are Bluejeans, Free Conference, FreeConferenceCall, Google Hangouts, GoToMeeting, Skype, WebEx, Zoho, Zoom. Our system will not recognize a short code such as bitly or shorturl.
As provided by zoom, etc... (if applicable)
(if applicable)
PayPalUsername, @Venmo or $CashTag only
This will be confirmed with the meeting secretary.
Check the day or days of the week that apply.
If your start time is not listed here, choose the nearest prior time then add the exact time in the "Special Info" below.
(new meetings only - if applicable)
Extra info? Special start/end time? Special Location info? Keystrokes are limited to 100 letters max.