
Can’t Stop Using? There is a solution.

Crystal Meth Anonymous is a fellowship of people who share their experience, strength and hope with each other so they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from addiction to crystal meth.**

**Adapted with permission of the Grapevine of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Read More: CMA’s Frequently Asked Questions

CMA’s 24-Hour Helpline is available to provide information and offer support to anyone seeking recovery from crystal meth addiction. The Helpline is not a crisis hotline. We do not respond to emergencies or answer medical or legal questions.

Call the CMA Helpline at: (855) METH-FREE(855) 638-4373

Thank you for your interest in Crystal Meth Anonymous. Our fellowship is a way of life without Crystal Meth. We advocate a twelve step recovery program for spiritual development, no matter what our religious belief or background.

Read More: A Letter to Anyone New to CMA